Custom Armrests

I just added a line of Armrests to compliment your pickguard and personalize your guitar.  Matching pickguards & Armrests are my speciality.

Due to customer requests, I now have a Les Paul "Mary Ford" armrest with the ES-295 floral design that graced (3) known LP models.

This is the same design that I use on the Gibson ES-295 Gold Tops that were made from 1952 to 1958.  I also have a wider profile that will fit the ES-295.

I also offer Fender Telecaster Armrests in both standard and Thinline Models in two profiles in all materials.  I have clear acrylic material that I can add designs and paint in just about any color.

If you have an Archtop guitar, I have one that will save your and protect your finish.
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Les Paul
Archtop Armrest 5-Ply Black ES-335 ES-175
Telecaster Thinline Bakelite Armrest
Telecaster Thinline Black/Cream/Black Armrest Rounded
Telecaster Thinline White/Black/White Armrest
Les Paul
Archtop Armrest 4-Ply Brown Tortoise ES-335 ES-175
Telecaster Thinline Bakelite Armrest Rounded
Telecaster Thinline Cream/Black/Cream Armrest
Telecaster Thinline 2-Ply White Pearl Armrest Rounded
Gibson Gold Top ES-295 Armrest
Archtop Armrest 4-Ply Red Tortoise ES-335 ES-175
Telecaster Thinline Black/White/Black Armrest
Telecaster Thinline 4-Ply Brown Tortoise Armrest Rounded
Telecaster Standard White/Black/White Armrest